20 min Easy Yoga Sequence

I took a little break from classes recently. Basically taking my own advice of finding balance, listening to my body etc 🙂 One of the things I felt I needed a break from was physically doing yoga poses! During classes and working as a Physio I know I was taking myself to the edge of […]

The benefits of: Side Reclining Leg Lift.

Anantasana / Side reclining Leg Lift. Benefits: Hip mobility, balance, core strengthener, circulation boost for legs! Cues: Lie on your right side. Right leg is now supporting your balance on the ground. Press actively through your right heel, and use the outside of the right foot to keep you stable. Bend your right elbow and […]

Summer Yoga Video Week 4

Outdoors today!   Hope the sun is shining wherever you are!   https://youtu.be/0YhjGkFDnOI    

Top 5 Benefits of Evening Yoga

Top 5 Benefits of Evening Yoga  Yoga can be used in your life to affect you in different ways. An active practice can get you going in the morning and calming, deeper, restorative poses/ stretches can work differently at night on a more hydrated body and help you wind down at night. Relative to Evening […]

Savasana, Resting Pose, Give yourself a break!

Have you ever had one of those days/weeks/months when you really feel like you need a holiday!? And, what is one of the things you like to do on your holiday once you arrive… switch off and do little to nothing! Let Yoga, through Savasana Pose keep you going until  you get on that holiday. […]

Physio Triage Service

On Mondays and Wednesdays from 11am-1pm the Sports and Spinal Physios offer a free triage service. This is for our current clients only. As long as you are on our books as a current patient or if you are a member of a team or a company we have an arrangement with, you can come […]

Christmas Charity Yoga Sat Dec 6th 10am

Christmas Charity Yoga Class At 10am on Sat 6th Dec, I will teach a Yoga Class for new and existing Performance Yoga Students in our headquarters at Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy, Clonmel. This class will be a Charity Yoga Class. It is a FREE Yoga Class for adults where you will have to opportunity to donate […]