20 min Easy Yoga Sequence

I took a little break from classes recently. Basically taking my own advice of finding balance, listening to my body etc 🙂 One of the things I felt I needed a break from was physically doing yoga poses! During classes and working as a Physio I know I was taking myself to the edge of […]

The benefits of: Wide Legged Forward Bend.

Prasarita Padottasana / Wide Legged Standing Forward Bend is a great pose for many reasons. Benefits: Adductor (groin area) and hamstring muscle length and strength.  Core strength. Cues: Step your feet wide apart so that your ankles are approximately underneath the wrists of your outstretched arms. Point your feet forwards. Place your hands on your […]

The benefits of: Side Reclining Leg Lift.

Anantasana / Side reclining Leg Lift. Benefits: Hip mobility, balance, core strengthener, circulation boost for legs! Cues: Lie on your right side. Right leg is now supporting your balance on the ground. Press actively through your right heel, and use the outside of the right foot to keep you stable. Bend your right elbow and […]

The benefits of: Sphinx Pose.

Salamba Bhujangasana / Sphinx Pose. Benefits: Strengthens the shoulders, strengthens the back and core, reduces tension in upper back/traps Cues: Begin lying on your front, with your elbows under the shoulders, palms facing downwards, middle finger pointing forwards and all fingers spread out. Hug the elbows into the ribcage and draw your shoulders away from […]

RTE Lifestyle Feature. Back Pain Tips.

If you or someone you know gets back pain after a period of time sitting at a desk, working at a computer, watching TV or driving the car, read on. I want to share a simple Physio tip with you right now to help you. The spine should have 3 curves as shown in this side […]

The benefits of: Pigeon Pose.

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana / One Legged King Pigeon pose. A lovely pose to help release hip restrictions, try this easy version. Benefits: Hip mobility and strength. Helps encourage breath into the back of your lungs. Cues: Begin on all fours, with your knees directly below your hips, and your hands slightly under your shoulders. Slide […]

The benefits of: Bridge.

Setu Bandasana /Bridge Pose is a favorite of mine! Always a challenge, always gives results for tums and bums! Benefits: Pelvic floor, core, leg and strengthener. Cues: Lie supine on the floor. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor, heels as close to the sitting bones as possible and hip width apart. […]

The benefits of: Plank.

Kumbakasana / Plank pose. Sometimes we build up to it in class, sometimes it comes as a welcome break from a more challenging posture. Whenever you do Plank, know that you are gaining huge physical benefits.  Benefits: Core strengthener, shoulder strengthener. Cues: Begin on your hands and knees with your palms facing downwards, middle finger […]

Word of the Week: Namaste.

A perfect finish to our 6 week New Year block of Yoga. Word of the week is Namaste. Here’s a little poem I came across that sums it up nicely. Taking a little break for a week and back to classes Mon 22nd February 16.

Word of the week: Vinyasa.

Vinyasa yoga is simply movement between poses in yoga, typically accompanied by regulated breathing. It is a method of yoga in which vinyasa movements form a flowing sequence in coordination with the breath. We do it in every Performance Yoga class and I love it! Think of your Cobra, Dowward Dog and Plank combination. That’s Vinyasa Yoga!