Why does Yoga Make Everything Feel Better?

Exercise, or any sort of physical activity makes everything feel good. In this fabulous weather, being outdoors, and a little more active than normal, is a recipe for happiness. It’s very rare we come home from a walk, run or gym session and regret going. Even 15-20 minutes of exercise makes me feel like I’ve […]

Shoulder Pain Update.

I attended a great course and workshop with Associate Professor Karen Ginn, from the University of Sydney, recently. The course was held in the Leinster Rugby camp at UCD. What a set up! Research is showing that specific, prescribed and tailored EXERCISE is: More effective than no shoulder treatment More effective than standard physiotherapy (i.e. […]

Recovering from injury? What should be going on in your rehabilitation package.

Rehabilitation Principles for Physiotherapists. There are seven principles of rehabilitation; principles are the foundation upon which rehabilitation is based. Avoid aggravation  Timing Compliance Individualization Specific sequencing Intensity Total patient A: Avoid aggravation. It is important not to aggravate the injury during the rehabilitation process. Therapeutic exercise, if administered incorrectly or without good judgment, has the […]

The benefits of: Side Reclining Leg Lift.

Anantasana / Side reclining Leg Lift. Benefits: Hip mobility, balance, core strengthener, circulation boost for legs! Cues: Lie on your right side. Right leg is now supporting your balance on the ground. Press actively through your right heel, and use the outside of the right foot to keep you stable. Bend your right elbow and […]

The benefits of: Sphinx Pose.

Salamba Bhujangasana / Sphinx Pose. Benefits: Strengthens the shoulders, strengthens the back and core, reduces tension in upper back/traps Cues: Begin lying on your front, with your elbows under the shoulders, palms facing downwards, middle finger pointing forwards and all fingers spread out. Hug the elbows into the ribcage and draw your shoulders away from […]

The benefits of: Bridge.

Setu Bandasana /Bridge Pose is a favorite of mine! Always a challenge, always gives results for tums and bums! Benefits: Pelvic floor, core, leg and strengthener. Cues: Lie supine on the floor. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor, heels as close to the sitting bones as possible and hip width apart. […]

How Yoga Works. A Physiotherapist’s perspective.

Hi guys, have a read of the recent article I wrote for RTE Lifestyle: Don’t forget to come back to the website for many more related and articles to benefit your health and well-being! http://www.rte.ie/lifestyle/living/2016/0216/768363-how-yoga-works-a-physiotherapists-perspective/

The benefits of: Plank.

Kumbakasana / Plank pose. Sometimes we build up to it in class, sometimes it comes as a welcome break from a more challenging posture. Whenever you do Plank, know that you are gaining huge physical benefits.  Benefits: Core strengthener, shoulder strengthener. Cues: Begin on your hands and knees with your palms facing downwards, middle finger […]

Improve your balance with these simple steps.

There is a lot you can do to improve your balance and everyday practise makes all the difference. To start with, always be safe when trying these exercises. If you feel your balance is poor, make sure you do these exercises with a chair placed behind you and a wall or a kitchen counter by […]

Why is Yoga so Good for You? RTE Lifestyle

Chartered Physiotherapist, Orla Crosse, thinks you can reduce your physical healthcare costs through Yoga. Yoga, has had great publicity and equally awful publicity over the years. Like anything, it depends on what you want to achieve from doing it. Yoga means different things to different people. To me, as a practicing Chartered Physiotherapist, Yoga is […]