The benefits of: Wide Legged Forward Bend.

Prasarita Padottasana / Wide Legged Standing Forward Bend is a great pose for many reasons. Benefits: Adductor (groin area) and hamstring muscle length and strength.  Core strength. Cues: Step your feet wide apart so that your ankles are approximately underneath the wrists of your outstretched arms. Point your feet forwards. Place your hands on your […]

The benefits of: Pigeon Pose.

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana / One Legged King Pigeon pose. A lovely pose to help release hip restrictions, try this easy version. Benefits: Hip mobility and strength. Helps encourage breath into the back of your lungs. Cues: Begin on all fours, with your knees directly below your hips, and your hands slightly under your shoulders. Slide […]

How Yoga Works. A Physiotherapist’s perspective.

Hi guys, have a read of the recent article I wrote for RTE Lifestyle: Don’t forget to come back to the website for many more related and articles to benefit your health and well-being!

4 Simple Back Exercises. RTE Lifestyle Feature

Back pain? These will get you moving. The more we learn about back pain, the more we are certain that exercise is medicine when treating back pain and these four key exercises will reduce back stiffness The most important thing to remember is that exercise is good and safe. Many people who have long term […]

Top 5 Tips for Workers who Stand all day.

Another fabulous friend suggested writing about: ‘A good few of us are shop workers, hairdressers, beauticians that stand for hours at a time, since starting yoga I correct my posture a bit better (when I think of it), maybe some pointers to reduce leg swelling, ankle strengthening stuff, and lower back protection….’ Let’s start with […]

5 Easy Post Work Out Stretches.

Stretching, such a controversial issue! Are you supposed to stretch at all anymore and if so when? So many opinions, who’s right? With Performance Yoga I aim to get rid of the stigma out there that ‘Yoga’ is all about flexibility and stretching. Because it is not. The physical aspect of Yoga is about returning […]

Why Choose a Chartered Physiotherapist?

Chartered Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice.  We maintain physical health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease. The profession helps to encourage development and facilitate recovery, enabling people to stay in work while helping them to remain […]

Summer Yoga Videos Week 8

The penultimate in the 2015 Summer Yoga series. Beginners:   Advanced: One more video next week. Classes start back on Mon 7th Sept. Contact

Free Health Info Leaflets for the public

How often do you get free medical advice? The good people at the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapy have developed concise information leaflets for the public regarding a variety of common physical issues, including: Physiotherapy and the Computer Physiotherapy following Stroke Physiotherapy and Back Care for Children You can download them and print them. Safe […]

Summer Yoga Video Week 4

Outdoors today!   Hope the sun is shining wherever you are!