Benefits of having functional core strength?
If I had a euro every time someone with a back injury said to me: I have a great core, I do sit ups and oblique twists regularly. I’d be a millionaire. In simple terms. muscles have a priority job. Certain muscles are designed to create movement primarily. Others are primarily designed to stabilise and […]
Limerick Performance Yoga Classes.
Starting WEDS 7th Sept. 6 week course. Instructed by Orla, a practicing Chartered Physiotherapist. Weds 9.30am Embody Fitness Castletroy (above Supervalu) Weds 6.30pm Garryowen RFC Dooradoyle INTRODUCTORY OFFER Drop in rate €15 per class, 6 wk course €60 PRE BOOKING ESSENTIAL We are delighted to announce that Chartered Physiotherapist Orla Crosse is starting classes in […]
How long does it take to create a habit?
There’s a theory that it takes 21 days to create a habit. Who doesn’t like the idea that you can change your life in a few weeks? The idea that 3 weeks can change your habits is indeed a myth and a perfect example of the more people say something, especially influencers, the more that […]
Exciting News. New Midweek Limerick Class.
Hi guys, I’m delighted to bring you this exciting news! Performance Yoga will be starting 2 new morning yoga classes in Limerick from Sept. Wednesdays Mornings. First class TBA 7/7.30am, for those of you who want your mobility session before working early. Second class TBA 9.30am/10am. for those with flexitime! Location: Castletroy!! Near an amazing […]
Why you might not be seeing the results you expect from stretching.
This article was recently published on RTE Lifestyle. Why stretching may not be working for you. After almost a decade of working as a Chartered Physiotherapist with sports teams and individual athletes, I can give you some interesting information about stretching and reasons for why you might not be getting the results you expect. Let’s […]
Why does Yoga Make Everything Feel Better?
Exercise, or any sort of physical activity makes everything feel good. In this fabulous weather, being outdoors, and a little more active than normal, is a recipe for happiness. It’s very rare we come home from a walk, run or gym session and regret going. Even 15-20 minutes of exercise makes me feel like I’ve […]
20 min Easy Yoga Sequence
I took a little break from classes recently. Basically taking my own advice of finding balance, listening to my body etc 🙂 One of the things I felt I needed a break from was physically doing yoga poses! During classes and working as a Physio I know I was taking myself to the edge of […]
The benefits of: Wide Legged Forward Bend.
Prasarita Padottasana / Wide Legged Standing Forward Bend is a great pose for many reasons. Benefits: Adductor (groin area) and hamstring muscle length and strength. Core strength. Cues: Step your feet wide apart so that your ankles are approximately underneath the wrists of your outstretched arms. Point your feet forwards. Place your hands on your […]
RTE Lifestyle Feature. Back Pain Tips.
If you or someone you know gets back pain after a period of time sitting at a desk, working at a computer, watching TV or driving the car, read on. I want to share a simple Physio tip with you right now to help you. The spine should have 3 curves as shown in this side […]
The benefits of: Pigeon Pose.
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana / One Legged King Pigeon pose. A lovely pose to help release hip restrictions, try this easy version. Benefits: Hip mobility and strength. Helps encourage breath into the back of your lungs. Cues: Begin on all fours, with your knees directly below your hips, and your hands slightly under your shoulders. Slide […]