Summer Yoga Videos Week 8

The penultimate in the 2015 Summer Yoga series. Beginners:   Advanced: One more video next week. Classes start back on Mon 7th Sept. Contact

Free Health Info Leaflets for the public

How often do you get free medical advice? The good people at the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapy have developed concise information leaflets for the public regarding a variety of common physical issues, including: Physiotherapy and the Computer Physiotherapy following Stroke Physiotherapy and Back Care for Children You can download them and print them. Safe […]

Summer Yoga Video Week 4

Outdoors today!   Hope the sun is shining wherever you are!    

Summer Yoga Video Week 1

The time has come! Starting today. Each Monday for 8 weeks a new Performance Yoga video will be posted online to help you retain your mobility and strength over the Summer. Some weeks there will be one video, some weeks two! So get your mat out, take some time out and enjoy! If you haven’t […]

“Keep your Students Safe!” Workshop for Yoga and Pilates Instructors. Sat 31st Jan ’15. 2-3.30pm. My Wellbeing, Dame St, Dublin.

Become the teacher students will rave about! Do you teach students with injuries such as Low Back Pain/ Disc issues / Osteoarthritis / Ankle injuries / Sciatica etc? Would you like professional physiotherapy guidance to ensure your classes are beneficial & medically sound & safe promoting your students well-being? Orla Crosse MISCP is a Chartered Physiotherapist and Qualified Yoga […]

Calf Muscle Strength.. or weakness!?

Calf pain presents at one time or another for runners and along with the dreaded ‘runner’s knee’ is common, frustrating and there are a variety of causes and treatments. Calf pain is often severe, building up into a cramp like feeling and can cause a runner to stop up and pull out of their training […]

Physio Triage Service

On Mondays and Wednesdays from 11am-1pm the Sports and Spinal Physios offer a free triage service. This is for our current clients only. As long as you are on our books as a current patient or if you are a member of a team or a company we have an arrangement with, you can come […]

Christmas Charity Yoga Sat Dec 6th 10am

Christmas Charity Yoga Class At 10am on Sat 6th Dec, I will teach a Yoga Class for new and existing Performance Yoga Students in our headquarters at Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy, Clonmel. This class will be a Charity Yoga Class. It is a FREE Yoga Class for adults where you will have to opportunity to donate […]

Calf Length

This article focuses on Calf Muscle Flexibility. The Why, When and How to do it effectively. After a short morning run this morning, as I stretched my calves I thought why not share the expertise!     All muscles have an optimal length. A length at which they can produce the appropriate amount of energy, […]