The benefits of: Wide Legged Forward Bend.

Prasarita Padottasana / Wide Legged Standing Forward Bend is a great pose for many reasons. Benefits: Adductor (groin area) and hamstring muscle length and strength.  Core strength. Cues: Step your feet wide apart so that your ankles are approximately underneath the wrists of your outstretched arms. Point your feet forwards. Place your hands on your […]

Kneecap Pain. Interesting Info.

I recently attended a professional development course about patellofemoral pain syndrome. What!?  That’s ‘FRONT of KNEE pain’ to you and I. It interests me as someone who has had it while training for a marathon and it’s a symptom I hear about daily in clinic from my patients. It was time to update the knowledge […]

Retreat Review: Cliffs of Moher Retreat

Looking for a get away? The Cliffs of Moher retreat could be exactly what the doctor ordered. After a busy and enjoyable year of classes, I looked around for a break.. a weekend of yoga classes, clean eating, scenery, big blue ocean, limited to zero internet access, and hopefully something that would take me out […]

Why does my foot cramp during Yoga?

Does this sound familiar.., you started a yoga class hoping to improve flexibility, strengthen your core, and get a little ‘me time’ in your life. You’re enjoying the exertion, the breathing, when all of a sudden…cramp! Right in the middle of a pose, and often the same pose each time, your foot cramps up, causing […]

Savasana, Resting Pose, Give yourself a break!

Have you ever had one of those days/weeks/months when you really feel like you need a holiday!? And, what is one of the things you like to do on your holiday once you arrive… switch off and do little to nothing! Let Yoga, through Savasana Pose keep you going until  you get on that holiday. […]

Foam Rolling. To Roll or not to Roll?

A Physiotherapist’s Dos and Don’ts Foam Rolling was introduced the Physiotherapy and Strength and Conditioning World long ago. However, it has had huge uptake in the past 10 years as athletes are learning more about how to take care of their bodies. Foam Rolling, when performed correctly is believed to ‘iron out’ tight bands of […]