Sports Yoga for Tag Rugby Players.

Despite being a non-contact sport Tag Rugby, is not without injury risk for the players. Sprinting and quick change of movement components of the sport bring with it injury risks for ankles, knees and muscle strains particularly in the hamstrings which act as a decelerator when slowing down from a sprint. This type of injury […]

Benefits of having functional core strength?

If I had a euro every time someone with a back injury said to me: I have a great core, I do sit ups and oblique twists regularly. I’d be a millionaire. In simple terms. muscles have a priority job. Certain muscles are designed to create movement primarily. Others are primarily designed to stabilise and […]

How long does it take to create a habit?

There’s a theory that it takes 21 days to create a habit. Who doesn’t like the idea that you can change your life in a few weeks? The idea that 3 weeks can change your habits is indeed a myth and a perfect example of the more people say something, especially influencers, the more that […]

Exciting News. New Midweek Limerick Class.

Hi guys, I’m delighted to bring you this exciting news! Performance Yoga will be starting 2 new morning yoga classes in Limerick from Sept. Wednesdays Mornings. First class TBA 7/7.30am, for those of you who want your mobility session before working early. Second class TBA 9.30am/10am. for those with flexitime! Location: Castletroy!! Near an amazing […]

Breathing Mechanics and Your Body’s Movement.

‘Take a deep breath’ how often have you told yourself to do that? We often do it without even realising. Why? Because the body is actually quite good at self-regulating vital organs if it thinks patterns are outside normal ranges (eg heart rate). That’s a huge reason to increase your oxygen intake.   However, taking […]