Chartered Physiotherapy Resuming Mon 29th June 2020.

I’m returning to in person Chartered Physiotherapy appointments from Longfield, Clonmel on Mon 29th June 2020.

For understandable reasons, all clinicians are trying to limit face to face contact time as best we can while still meeting the needs of clients. Our governing body, the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists have made some important recommendations to ensure continued safety for both patients and the public during COVID-19. While these changes are in effect it is still the goal to offer the services you require where possible.

I look forward to welcoming you to my new space and prior to booking an appointment please review the clinic protocol.

Online consultations will be something that I will continue to offer going forwards, due to their overwhelming success for new and returning patients during this period. Useful if you don’t need to or cannot attend face to face.

Both options are covered by Ireland’s major healthcare insurers. Check your own policy for more details.


Orla Crosse Chartered Physiotherapist


There are some changes as to how I am conducting consultations in order to provide you with the service you require whilst minimising any unnecessary time spent in the clinic. I am taking all precautions to ensure you and the publics’ continued safety.


During this period I am encouraging most people to avail of online video consultation wherever possible. We discuss the history of your symptoms, I guide you through some physical tests, provide my clinical opinion, advice and home exercises to carry out. Follow up consultations either online or face to face can be arranged as required.


When making face to face appointments, patients will receive email confirmation as normal, but now included will be a Physiotherapy subjective questionnaire with questions about your issue that would typically be asked in the clinic. Patients will complete their form through electronic format and return to the Physiotherapist. A pre-screening telehealth consultation will be set up in advance of the patient’s face to face appointment where the issue will be discussed in more detail and I will assess the appropriateness of attending in person. If deemed necessary to attend the clinic based on the information provided an appointment will be scheduled. On arrival, patients will wait outside until called to enter the building.  We will be leaving 15 minutes between the start and finish of appointments in order to avoid client crossover and clinic surfaces will be thoroughly cleaned.  Prior to entering, patients will be asked COVID-19 Risk Assessment questions. On entering the clinic the patient will be provided with hand sanitizer. The patient will be asked to supply their own facemask or face covering. Each patients temperature will be taken upon arrival to ensure it is below 38o. A 2 metre distance will be maintained between health care professional and patient until treatment is commenced. The time spent in the clinic will be limited to 30 minutes. Unfortunately toilet facilities will not be available to patients.

Orla Crosse MISCP Chartered Physiotherapist


