Guest Blogger on Wellfest.

Hey guys, exciting news! Wellfest is Ireland’s largest health, fitness and wellness festival. Aiming to inspire you across the three main pillars of wellness – nutrition, fitness and mental health. Wellfest have invited me to be a guest blogger on their new website! It’s always great when another door opens for adventure. Check out the first […]

Sports Yoga Workshop Dublin Sun 15th Oct 10am

Dublin, I am coming back to do another popular Sports Yoga Workshop. This 90 minute workshop is going to be designed around you. Whatever your needs and requirements are for your sport, whether it be back mobility, glut strength, hamstring release, shoulder mobility etc. will be considered. You will have your say before I finalise […]

Exercise and Overuse injuries.

It’s summer time and the weather is perfect for putting a pair of runners on and getting out there! Excuses are out. This change of season brings about a desire to feel bright, light and full energy. What better way to tap into our own natural energy reserve than with some outdoors exercise. Everyone feels […]

Runners, such a selection!? What’s best?

What runners will I buy to reduce injury risk? A question I am frequently asked by patients. In short, the legs are more important than the runners! Putting time and money into buying a great pair of runners is wasted if you haven’t optimised your running technique.  Consider lowering your injury risk from the inside […]

Anti-Inflammatory Foods. Recommendations by Professor Ted Dinan.

The Biology of Stress. A fantastic lecture we had recently towards the end of a Masters in Sports and Exercise Medicine in UCC, Cork, Ireland. Lots of info and discussion about the effects of stress on the body – in particular – the gut.. where all the important reactions happen. The phrase ‘Trust your gut’ […]

Clonmel Weekend Yoga Workshop Sat 15th April 12pm.

Following on from two successful Yoga Weekend Workshops in Dublin, Orla is going to hold a 90 minute Sports Performance Yoga workshop on Sat 15th April at 12pm in Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy Clonmel. What’s a Yoga Workshop!? It is a session ideal for regular yoga goers who are interested in deepening their practice and […]

Top 3 things never to say to an injured friend!

My working day varies between teaching Performance Yoga classes and treating patients in the world of Physiotherapy. To help those recovering from injury here are my top 3 tips on how to chat kindly to your friend going through the recovery process!  Don’t say… 1/ How long before you can run again? Even their medical […]

Spring Competition.

Food glorious food! Instead of giving yourself or your loved one chocolates this Valentines we are giving away a Performance Yoga branded box of wyldsson Promix tubes. They are delicious snacks and so handy when you’re on the go. Check them out on Also a special treat for our members, check your email for a 15% discount from […]

Irish Runner Yearbook 2017. Physio Tips.

The Irish Runner Yearbook 2017 is out now and I was delighted to feature again with my thoughts on a few debatable topics! Should I stretch before a run? What you do before you go out for a run is dependent on what you’ve been doing for a few hours before. If you run first […]

Performance Yoga Workshop Dublin Sat 1st April ’17.

Orla is back to Dublin this April for an exciting Performance Yoga workshop on Sat 1st April 11am-12.30pm. This session is ideal for anyone interested in learning more about how to effectively move and strengthen your body to Perform at your Peak in your Sport. For over a decade Orla has worked as a Chartered […]